
Why us?
We thought you’d never ask!

Let me begin by telling you a bit about me. I was first thrown into the floral world as an 18 year old college student in Oregon where I picked up a part time job in a flower shop to make some extra “play” money while I was in school. I swept the floors (a lot!), rang people up at the register and I watched, no I studied, the designers at work! Once they were gone for the day and I was left with the clean up, I would play with flowers (nope, I wasn’t supposed to!).

Visual Expert

I’ve always been a visual learner. Might explain all of my B-‘s in school. I studied and practiced painting, I taught myself how to drive a stick-shift, and yes, I taught myself floristry. Something in my brain just clicks when I’m touching flowers, and combined with my painting background, I have an understanding for color and texture that comes so naturally, it literally brings me joy!


So many things about florals are meaningful to me outside being my personal creative outlet. It’s that feeling when someone presents you with flowers. Or that feeling when you walk into a room with flowers – the beauty, the scent, everything! It triggers the senses on so many levels.

It’s for all of these reasons that a day as meaningful as your wedding day must be treated with so much care. Lilla Bello is not a wedding factory. Your experience with us will include so much more than beautiful florals. We want to get to know you, your love story, your personal style, and it’s our job to translate all of it into floral designs that capture YOUR essence perfectly.


We only take on one wedding per weekend so you will never feel lost in the shuffle. For this reason, it’s so important that we feel the partnership is mutually harmonious. We will present you with all of your options and guide you with our years of expertise.

Lilla Bello was established in 2004. We have been honored with countless industry and publicity accolades – but the ones we love the most are the texts, emails and thank you cards from our amazing couples. It’s everything!

Praise From Clients